RIAB was established in 1997. The school was established
based on the proposals and initiatives Aceh Governor at that time, namely Prof.
DR. H. Shamsuddin Mahmud MBA. The proposal has been warmly welcomed by the
leaders of education in the province. Since the establishment of Madrasah
Aliyah Ruhul Islam Anak Bangsa (RIAB) on July 1, 1997 until May 1, 2016 has
completed a total of 17 class with a total of alumni 1,442 people that
scattered in National Universities (UI, UGM, ITB, IPB, ITS) and International
(Egypt, Medina, Sudan, Tunisia, Qatar, Morocco, Turkey, Libya, Taiwan, Canada,
Malaysia, Brunei, and Australia).
Since 2015 Madrasah Aliyah/Dayah Ruhul Islam Anak Bangsa
has gained accreditation (A) for Category Madrasah and Kedayahan based SK BAP-S
/ M 871 / BAP-S / M Aceh / SK / 2015, and for the national exam in 2017 using
National exam Computer Based UNBK. This Islamic Boarding School located at the
floodgate, the village of Gue Gajah kec Darul Imarah Aceh Besar district. This
dayah Had 2 Department of majors: Science(IPA) and Religious (MAK), majoring in
science has four classes and MAK has three classes. Ruhul Islam has very good
facilities for the high school level, RIAB have computer labs, lab science,
multimedia room, a library large enough, Gor for students who love sports, the
mosque which is located near the male dorm, and also two canteen (one for women
and one for men). The school was founded with the aim to prepare a cadre of
scholars, business people Islamiyah, which enabled scholars plenary IPTEK And
IMTAQ. RIAB try to create students who can memorize the Qur'an minimum of 05
chapters, is able to speak and understand Arabic, English, Mandarin and
Japanese, able knowledgeable level MA / high school diploma and may have to be
able to enter Universities in the State or Foreign Affairs, and have a working
knowledge of Islamic law and science and technology. RIAB also known to excel
in the field fahmil Qur'an, syarhil, and other MTQ field.
This school has a rule that on every Friday, students are
obliged to follow extracurricular activities are available at the school. There
are three classes in this extracurricular kegiataan, they are:
I : Pramuka, Khat, Kreasi seni (Rapai geleng, likok pulo dll), and also sport.
2. Class II :
Debate English and Arab, speech Arab dan English.
3. Class III :
Qiraatul kutub
These classes are made to train students’ talent to be
talented in what they want to and they are free to choose which classes to
RIAB have an organization called OSISMADA. OSISMADA is Organisasi
Santri Madrasah/Dayah where all students are members of OSISMADA. It was
established to strengthen the organizational sense of the students so they
ready to plunge into the community. RIAB FAIR is the big agenda of Riab which
is held every year by Riabers in order to hone and strengthen silahturrahmi
among students throughout Aceh, and also Drama Bahasa that held once a year by CLM
(Central Language Movement) to see how far the students understand the foreign
language. Ruhul Islam also has a forum created specifically for alumni Riab,
named FARIS. FARIS is Forum Alumni Ruhul Islam, which all alumni gathered under
one umbrella shade, while promote and support the Madrasah of shortage.
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