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Menampilkan postingan dari Juni, 2017

Blogs in English Language Teaching and Learning: Pedagogical Uses and Students’s responses

The title of this journal is “Blogs in English Language Teaching and Learning: Pedagogical Uses and Students’s responses.” This article discuss about learning English through Blog. Some scholars explained that blog could  created a sense of community that would be less likely to emerge in a conventional classroom setting.” This research was conducted by surveying 145 students in eleven EAP (English Academic Purpose) and university composition courses at a recently-opened English-medium university in rural Japan. In order to collect the data, at the end of each term throughout the research period, the writers used the online survey program, available for free for small-scale surveys and with monthly fees for more professional features (www. The discussion shows that the survey results it seems clear that students truly appreciated the need of blog to improve their writing and considered having an editor and being an editor valuable. In conclus...

The motivation for reading English as second language among second year pre-university students in Lahore Pakistan

the journal is about the motivation for reading English as second language among second year pre-university students in Lahore Pakistan. Reading motivation can be defined as “an individual’s goals and beliefs” for reading. According to the article, there are 2 basic types of motivation of English language learning: integrative and instrumental motivation. Instrumental motivation is the motivation that they do something on purpose, while integrative motivation is they do it because they deserve to do it. In Lahore, the ability to read in English has a vital role in learning because the students have to accomplish their assignments on the basis of English reading. This research is quantitative and was conducted to determine the levels of Instrumental and Integrative motivation for reading. The participants are 40 male students of Government MAO College, Lahore (Pakistan). They were enrolled in English Reading Class. The Technique of Data Collection was questionnaire survey. There ...

A Study of Using Pop Songs to Promote New Vocabulary Learning for Secondary School Students

This journal also done by a Thai, namely Thippawan Borisai & Nutprapha K. Dennis which took place in Thailand at Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, under title “A Study of Using Pop Songs to Promote New Vocabulary Learning for Secondary School Students.” The researchers stated that, Thailand has managed English teaching based on the Basic Education Core Curriculum in order to develop listening, speaking, reading and writing abilities of students. There are English learning courses as both core and selective subjects in schools to develop students’ capabilities in English. Unfortunately, although English has been taught in school for many years, there has been little success. Hence, the researcher used pop song in order to develop those skills in learning English. The research question are, How do pop songs promote students’ ability in learning new vocabulary ? What are the students’ opinion toward using in learning new vocabulary ? The aims of this study is to promote studen...

Thai Learners’ English pronunciation competence: Lesson Learned from word stress Assignment

The researcher in this journal is a Thai namely Attapol Khamkhien and the research done also in Thailand at Kasetsart University under title Thai Learners’ English pronunciation competence: Lesson Learned from word stress Assignment. The problem in this research is most of  Thai learners feel difficult to pronounce the word of English. In other word, teachers’ pronunciation is not very well due to their mother tongue which is effect them to pronounce the word of English. In this paper, there are two research question which will be discussed : 1. What is the level of Thai learners’ English pronunciation competence? 2. What is the relationship between three factors: gender, faculty and experiences in studying English, and their knowledge with regard to word stress assignment? The participants in this journal were Thai learners of English (N=90), studying in the field of sciences, from the Faculty of Liberal Arts and  Science, Engineering, and Veterinary Medicine, Kasetsart...

The Effectiveness of Oral Proficiency in English for Secondary Schools (OPS-English) Programme

The title of the presentation is Effectiveness of Oral Proficiency in English for Secondary Schools (OPS-English) Programme in Improving English Language Vocabulary among Secondary School Students. The researcher was Manesha Kaur Rajendra Singh and he did his research in Malaysia. The purpose of this journal article is to examine the effectiveness of vocabulary activities which are taken from OPS-English Text book in English language classroom. The problem in this research is most of learners cannot speak English effectively due to lack of vocabulary and here the researcher try to increase students vocabulary through oral speaking in English class. he believes that if the student acquire new and extended vocabulary as well as new, then it will help them to enhance their English language oral communication. The research design in this study is quantitative research. This study uses experimental design which is the Pre-test and Post-test Control Group Design. Pre-test and post-test w...

Students language learning beliefs: correlation between learning strategies and final achievement

Introduction Every students has their uniqueness in learning language and it based on their beliefs. According to Cabarog lu and Roberts (2000, p.388) they defined beliefs as “a set of conceptual representation which signify to its holder a reality or given state of affairs of sufficient validity, thruth or trust wothness to warrant reliance upon it as a guide to personal thought and action”. However, there is no complete agreement on meaning and definition of beliefs, although the definition of this concept enjoys popularity in language learning research. Horwitz (1987) defined beliefs about language learning as language learners’ preconceived ideas or nations on variety of issues related to second or foreign language learning. for instance, some of them used to study language by using audio and the rest used to learn by audio-visual. It depend on students’ need and as the teacher they should provide them the best media to make an attractive learning. Therefore, the learners’ tho...

The Activity of Using Audio Visual Medium in the Classroom

Audio visual that I use to teach the students is a short video about a story of a father and a crow. The duration of this video is about 7 minutes and I will provide this video with subtitle in because the speaker is too fast in telling the story. I choose this video due to the topic and the content in this video is very good, it is about family. This video allowed to watch to student at the end of the class because I prefer this video as an intermezzo to my student not as main topic which is discuss in the class. Before playing the video, I will explain to the learners what they have to do while watching it. I will provide the pupils 4 or 5 questions related to the video and the student have to answer it based on their perception of the video. The questions should be : 1.      What is the moral value that you can take in this video ? 2.      What is the problem that occur between parents and son ? 3.      Write a se...

The Use of Smart Phones in Learning English through English Study Application (ESA) : Technology based media

1.    Introduction In this digital age of time, there are millions of people worldwide are smart-phone users. It have paved the way for everyone to easily and quickly connect with their family and friends inside and outside the country. This quick and easy way of communication has accelerated the demand for the latest electronic gadgets multiple purposes uses like voice calls, messaging, chatting, web browsing, multimedia, and translation ( Nalliveettil and Alenazi, 2016 ) . According to Suleiman (2011) those devices are small, autonomous and useful enough to accompany us anywhere and anytime in our life. However, the features of smart phone are not only used to communicate but also can be used for some form of learning. For instance, If they set English as the language in their phone, then it will help them unconsiously in increasing vocabularies. Hence, this media can be very helpful and useful for users in many different ways. Mobile language learning is defined as...

English Language Teaching in Indonesia : Problems, Challenges, and Prospects

1.     Introduction English is the most important language to be learnt because the majority in the world use this language in almost every aspect of their life. Teaching English to Indonesians means teaching other language, because of foreign language Indonesians has many problems in learning this language. The problems that they face vary in TEFL (Teaching English as Foreign Language), including students motivation, teacher professionalism, and curriculum changes. In addition, English is also used as a language of international communication in globalization era and becomes one of the challenges for Indonesians to compete in it. The majority could compete in this era through English because it might help them in finding jobs. As Thakur (2013) claims that, T h e p e o p le w h o h a v e pr o f i c i e n c y in t h is la n g u a g e c ou ld a c c ess la r g e n u m b e r o f j o b s a n d career in m a n y n at i o n al a n d i n t e r n a t i on al ...

Video Analysis

This video is about teaching learning process in china. The duration of the video is 27 minutes more and less. The pupils are chinesse at kinderganten class and there are about 20 students in the class, one teacher, and completely with some asisstant of teacher. This video has 4 point that will disscuss in the essay, including the characteristic or teaching learning process, role of T (Teacher) and S (Students), the nature of student teacher interaction, and how does the T respons to the learners’ error. Based on the video, T uses TPR (Total Physical Response) method in his teaching learning process. TPR   is a language teaching method built around the coordination of speech and action; it attempts to teach language through physical (motor) activity.   It is the teacher who decides what to teach, who models and presents the new materials, and who selects supporting materials for classroom use. The teacher is encouraged to be well pre­pared and well organized so that the le...

Biography of Islamic Boarding School of Ruhul Islam Anak Bangsa

RIAB was established in 1997. The school was established based on the proposals and initiatives Aceh Governor at that time, namely Prof. DR. H. Shamsuddin Mahmud MBA. The proposal has been warmly welcomed by the leaders of education in the province. Since the establishment of Madrasah Aliyah Ruhul Islam Anak Bangsa (RIAB) on July 1, 1997 until May 1, 2016 has completed a total of 17 class with a total of alumni 1,442 people that scattered in National Universities (UI, UGM, ITB, IPB, ITS) and International (Egypt, Medina, Sudan, Tunisia, Qatar, Morocco, Turkey, Libya, Taiwan, Canada, Malaysia, Brunei, and Australia). Since 2015 Madrasah Aliyah/Dayah Ruhul Islam Anak Bangsa has gained accreditation (A) for Category Madrasah and Kedayahan based SK BAP-S / M 871 / BAP-S / M Aceh / SK / 2015, and for the national exam in 2017 using National exam Computer Based UNBK. This Islamic Boarding School located at the floodgate, the village of Gue Gajah kec Darul Imarah Aceh Besar district....

Introduction of The Effectivenes of Using Audiovisual as a Medium in TEFL

Teaching English as Foreing Language (TEFL) in the classroom is not as easy as we think. To attract students, teaching learning process must be interesting and as a teacher they have to provide the best quality of teaching m a teria l s that will be eng a ging, attracting , and u p- t o-date (Ismaili, 2013). Teachers took a big role in giving motivation to pupils, they try to find some ways of making their learners want to learn the target language (Gilakjani et al, 2012). One of ways that teacher can do in increasing pupils’ motivation is providing them an attracting and enjoying environment through medium in study English. In general, t h e r e a r e some types of media that the teachers can use to support teaching activities, there are a u d i o , v i s u a l , a n d a u d i o v i s u a l . In this paper, the writer only discuss the benifit of audiovisual media in teaching learning activity and how effective this media to be used in the classroom. W e b s t e r ’s ...

School Visit

The school that I observed is Mtsn Kuta Baro, my visit aims to see and consider the media that the teacher used in the classroom. The media that the teacher used is visual as printed media in teaching descriptive text to student in 2nd grade of junior high school. Firstly, the teacher explain to the learners what descriptive text is and the structure of the text by giving an example which is supported with Infocus. Why Infocus ? why the teacher (T) didn’t use the white board ? According to Ms. Rahma she explains that, if she use the white board then it will takes time to write the material in the class. while infocus, the T can prepare the material at their home and show it to the learners in the classroom. After explaining the material, teacher divided the pupils into 4 groups and 1 picture for each group. In this part, the T use picture as a task that the learners have to do and discuss it on how to describe the picture that the T gave, then the representative come in front...

Student Tutoring

According to Cambridge dictionary, tutor is a teacher who teaches a child outside of school, especially in order to give the child extra help with a subject they find difficult. In this study i am being a tutor in tutoring a student of senior high school in Banda Aceh. The tutee was a student of second grade of MAN Model Banda Aceh namely Santania Dura. I spent 2 weeks and 4 meetings in tutoring her about past tense. The problem that tutee has is she feel confious of using present and past tense in making a sentence and speaking as well. Also, she complains to me that she is not know whether the verb is regullar or irregular verb and she still lack of vocabularies. The first meeting, i  didn’t give her any treatment, we only do  a conversation about her problem. Perhaps it make her comfortable to share her problem and learn English with me as her tutor. At the end of meeting, i asked her what they know about the present and past tense. she do know what present and past te...